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Coaching for Creatives
Looking for a safe and caring space to support you on your creative business journey?
Group Coaching
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Group Options
I offer several group programs to meet you exactly where you are in your creative business journey from very first steps to ongoing support and community. Explore the right fit for you.
Where are you at in your business journey right now?
I am exploring
and ready to learn more about how coaching can help me and am looking for encouragement as I start my creative business journey.
I am serious
about making progress and a bit overwhelmed and don't know where to start but I know I want to build a business. I need regular next steps and practical help.
I am...
feeling nervous about keeping up with my progress in the summer. I need something that pushes me but also allows for time to play!
I am...
looking for help with all the business foundations like my business name, website, email... I need a really safe place where I can ask ALL my beginner questions with others who are just like me.
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